Monday, March 21, 2011

Jewels' Tonsils

About a month ago my little sister Jewles kept getting sick with Strep Throat. By the 3rd time, my Mooma decided to take her to the Pro.doctors. They said she needed surgery quickly. So out her Tonsils went, and in came the ice cream.
Here is her side of the traumatic story:
"Well I woke up and was really tired, It was like 8 in the morning. We drove to the place near where you had that ear surgery and a really nice nurse put me in comfy socks and hair cap. They ran out of hospital gowns for kids so I had to wear a small adult one and it was huge! They put me in a bed and talked to my parents for a while. Then the nurse stuck an I.V. in me. It didn't hurt, It was like a small pinch. But it made my arm feel weird because the stuff they were putting in it. They gave me a coloring book but I didn't really feel like coloring. Turns out the kid before me had just gone in so we had to wait a while... After some time my parents asked if I could go in and they said I could, so they wheeled me into a different room and placed me on a cool table. Some guy put a mask on me and told me to breath in while he was hooking up my I.V. bag to something... Then I woke up with a sore throat... I remember not wanting to be there and was mad about it." Jewels crunched her face up then said "Mom says I looked like this when I woke up and the first thing I said was: "I wana' go home -____-""

(Before Surgery) Her tonsils were huge!!!! (Can I make her open that mouth any wider? XD)
(After) White, empty scoops for holes where her tonsils used to be. (Yummy blue Gatorade)

Well the first day after her surgery was all happy go lucky (due to drugs) until she woke up the next morning. She couldn't eat or talk. You would think one would gain wait from only eating ice cream but we think she lost about 6 pounds. Plus, being home sick for a week is never fun... and boring.

BUT!!! there are always electronics to blur the time away. This was Jewels favorite pass time while she was sick and wounded.

The Carlson Clan is glad to say that she made a full recovery and is totally back to her normal, talkative self!


  1. YAY, although the top picture has a pretty clear sight up her nose.

  2. I like the up the nose shots. ;D

  3. yes, my camera skills are amazing. x]

    1. Please can you make a video of your tonsels open up your mouth really wide so i can see deep down inside your throat

  4. I love looking inside your throat and tonsels they are Amazing

  5. I would love to see more of your Tonsels

  6. Can you please take more photos of your tonsels. Better Then please video Record your tonsels
